MultiBgolearn: Multi-Objective Bayesian Global Optimization for Materials Design


MultiBgolearn is a Python package designed for multi-objective Bayesian global optimization (MOBO), specifically tailored for materials design. It extends the functionalities of the Bgolearn package, which focuses on single-objective optimization, by enabling the simultaneous optimization of multiple material properties. This makes MultiBgolearn highly suitable for real-world applications where trade-offs between competing objectives are common.

The repository provides the source code for the MultiBgolearn package along with several MOBO algorithms.


  • Implements multiple MOBO algorithms, including Expected Hypervolume Improvement (EHVI), Probability of Improvement (PI), and Upper Confidence Bound (UCB).
  • Supports the simultaneous optimization of multiple objectives, making it ideal for materials with competing property targets.
  • Offers flexible surrogate model selection, with options such as RandomForest, GradientBoosting, SVR, GaussianProcess, and more.
  • Provides automatic or user-defined selection of surrogate models for optimization.
  • Includes bootstrap iterations for uncertainty quantification in model predictions.


To install MultiBgolearn, use the following command:

pip install MultiBgolearn


MultiBgolearn is designed for ease of use in materials design projects. Below is an example of how to use it:


from MultiBgolearn import bgo

# Define your dataset and virtual space paths
dataset_path = './data/dataset.csv'
VS_path = './virtual_space/'

# Set the number of objectives (e.g., 3 for three-objective optimization)
object_num = 3

# Apply Multi-Objective Bayesian Global Optimization
VS_recommended, improvements, index =


  • dataset_path (str): The path to the dataset containing both features and response variables.
  • VS_path (str): The path to the virtual space where candidate data for optimization is stored.
  • object_num (int): The number of objectives (target properties) to optimize.
  • max_search (bool, optional, default=True): Whether to maximize (True) or minimize (False) the objectives.
  • method (str, optional, default=EHVI): The optimization method. Supported methods:
  • 'EHVI': Expected Hypervolume Improvement
  • 'PI': Probability of Improvement
  • 'UCB': Upper Confidence Bound
  • assign_model (str or False, optional, default=False): Specify the surrogate model:
  • 'RandomForest'
  • 'GradientBoosting'
  • 'SVR'
  • 'GaussianProcess'
  • False: The surrogate model is chosen automatically.
  • bootstrap (int, optional, default=5): Number of bootstrap iterations for uncertainty quantification.


The fit method returns a tuple: - VS_recommended: The recommended data point from the virtual space. - improvements: The calculated improvements based on the chosen optimization method. - index: The index of the recommended data point in the virtual space.


The selected method will influence how the algorithm balances different objectives during optimization.


MultiBgolearn includes several optimization strategies:

  1. Expected Hypervolume Improvement (EHVI): Focuses on maximizing the volume of the objective space dominated by the solutions.
  2. Probability of Improvement (PI): Selects points with the highest probability of improving over the best known solution.
  3. Upper Confidence Bound (UCB): Explores points with the highest upper confidence bound, balancing exploration and exploitation.


We welcome contributions from the community! Please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.

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